Before attempting to get permission, be sure to check UIW Libraries holdings to see if needed materials are available.
Stanford University guidelines for obtaining permission
Permission for using copyrighted materials in general
There are two ways to get permission for using copyrighted materials. One is to contact directly the copyright holder (the publisher in most cases) and the other is to contact Copyright Clearance Center that secures the permission from the publishers.
Permission for Coursepacks
Some faculty members like to put together packs of materials to use in their courses thinking that this is covered by the Fair Use Guidelines. They may ask to have the coursepack distributed by the UIW Bookstore. However, the UIW Bookstore has a policy that states they will not reproduce or sell materials that are copyrighted by others unless permission to duplicate has been obtained from the intellectual property holder. There is a form which the faculty must fill out before the bookstore will consider the request. Faculty may obtain this form from the bookstore's Textbook Manager. It is clear from the agreement that the faculty member must be the one who takes responsibility for seeking permission to use the materials.
The Boostore website refers faculty to two services that can assist faculty in obtaining permission. LAD Custom Publishing and XanEdu Publishing are two services that will seek permission from the copyright holder for use of the articles. Once permission is obtained, they will copy and bind the articles or provide access to them online. Faculty can work with the UIW Bookstore in collaboration with these companies to provide course pack access to their students. Warning: Faculty must work 3-4 months in advance to ensure that collections are available for students when the semester starts.
Permission for Images and Music
Faculty who wish to research the copyright ownership of a particular piece of work can have the U.S. Copyright Office do a search for $200 per hour (2 hours minimum). Another source is the Copyright Clearance Center. Sources for permission to use cartoons include Universal Uclick and the New Yorker. Rights to use music can be sought from the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers or Broadcast Music , Inc. Film and video permission can be sought from the Motion Picture Corporation.