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Nuclear Medicine Research Guide: UTHSCSA

This guide will familiarize you with Nuclear Medicine resources available at UIW's libraries.

Where is it?

The UTHSCSA library is located at 7703 Floyd Curl Drive.

The main library contact number is (210) 567-2400.

Borrow Items UIW Doesn't Own


The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio library is a great resource for health sciences students. As a library dedicated to health-related research, they offer many resources that UIW cannot:

  • Books - With a TexShare card (available at the reference desk) you are allowed to check out books at the UTHSCSA library
  • Articles - By visiting the UTHSCSA library in-person you can use the library databases to search for journal articles. As of January 2010, non-UTHSCSA students are limited to 10 computers.

If you need help preparing your search before visiting the UTHSCSA library your subject librarian can help you. Alternatively, you can use the library's catalog and journal finder to determine what materials their library has. Unfortunately, you will not be able to access their databases from off-campus.

Medical Informatics Librarian, UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine

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Dawn Field
UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine
Bldg #3, Room 2164
Staff LADR