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Nuclear Medicine Research Guide: Home

This guide will familiarize you with Nuclear Medicine resources available at UIW's libraries.

All Libraries Daily Hours

Some UIW Libraries have restrictions on who can use their library. Check the webpage for the library you wish to visit for more information. Mabee Library on Broadway Campus is available to all UIW students.

NestSearch (Library Catalog)

Search UIW Libraries collections using keyword(s), title, author, or subject.

Getting Started

UIW Libraries host a number of credible resources that were purchased specifically to support research in Nuclear Medicine.  This guide will highlight several databases, books, journal titles, etc. which contain credible peer-reviewed information.

Getting started -

Databases - Databases will allow you to search for articles published on your topic.   Many of the databases that we subscribe to will link you to the full-text of the article.  Choose the "Databases" tab in this guide to obtain a list of those databases used by researchers..

Journals - This page can provide you with the most recent information published in articles.  Type in the title of the journal you'd like to browse and take advantage of that journal's search feature.  

Books - The UIW Library book collection contains books on Nuclear Medicine and related subjects.  Our electronic collection of books continues to grow.  Visit the Library's homepage at, choose the Books+ tab and perform a search for books on your subject.

Websites - This page contains several websites that are frequented by researchers.  This is just a starting point as these websites and the associations hosting them will have many more valuable links.  Remember, you are responsible for determining if the content you find on the Internet is credible and valid.  If you need help determining the validity of the information you've acquired from the Internet, please ask a librarian for assistance.

UTHSCSA - This tab contains information on University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio and how they may be useful in your research.

Citations - This tab contains information about using APA and RefWorks (citation management tool).

Evidence-Based Practice - This tab contains a guide to assist in finding and using evidence based materials.

Videos - This tab has several useful video websites.

APPS - This tab shows several apps.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Dede Rios
UIW-Rosenberg School of Optometry

9725 Datapoint

San Antonio, TX 78229
(210) 930-8688
Disciplines: Optometry

Library Assess and Assistance

In-Person Access and Assistance

The Osteopathic Medicine Library is located on the 2nd floor of building 3 on the UIWSOM Brooks Campus. Library staff are available to assist students, staff, and faculty during operating hours.

Ask a Librarian Service

For research assistance when the Medical (Pharmacy, Optometry, etc.) Library is closed, you may contact a UIW Libraries librarian via chat, phone, or email through our Ask a Librarian Service. Hours of availability for Ask a Librarian may be found on the UIW Libraries homepage under Library Hours.

Staff LADR