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Nuclear Medicine Research Guide: Google Scholar

This guide will familiarize you with Nuclear Medicine resources available at UIW's libraries.

Scholar Search Box

Advanced Search

Google Scholar offers an advanced search, but it is kind of hidden.

To get to it, click on the small black arrow pointing down in the search box on the Scholar homepage. It will offer some useful fields to narrow your search.

About Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a useful tool for finding references to articles and occasionally links to the full text. If you see [PDF] or [HTML] to the right of the article citation you can click that to go to the freely available full text.

Google Scholar can also show you if the article is available at UIW. If you are on campus you will see Full text available to the right of the article information. Clicking it will take you to the relevant database where you can access the article. If you are off-campus you can set Scholar up to show those links by the Settings gear in the upper right of the page, click Library links, and add UIW under Show library access links for.

You can also check UIW holdings for journal titles on the Journals tab.

Useful Scholar Features

Google Scholar offers some useful features including:

  • Cited by: Will take you to newer articles that have cited that article; they will likely be on the same or a similar topic. Also remember that peer-reviewed articles will contain a list of references pointing to older articles that the author used to write their paper.
  • RefWorks link: Though it will not appear by default, you can add a link for RefWorks by going to the Settings gear in the upper right of the page and changing Bibliography manager to Show links to import citations into RefWorks.

Medical Informatics Librarian, UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine

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Dawn Field
UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine
Bldg #3, Room 2164
Staff LADR