Journals covering a range of subjects, including science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, music, psychology, philosophy, technology, and more. Also includes books, reports, and speeches.
Journals, books, reports, and other content covering animal and plant sciences, entomology, environmental science, fisheries, farming, and more. Includes records for materials in the USDA’s National Agricultural Library.
Journals, magazines, and reports covering business continuity management and planning, business impact analysis, risk evaluation, disaster management, and related topics.
Journals and magazines covering educational administration and related areas, including educational leadership, management, and research. Also includes records for selected books and monographs.
Journals, books, and reports covering all fields of education. Content includes empirical or data analyses, literature reviews, methodological works, presentations, and critiques of theories.
Journals in Spanish and Portuguese, covering all major subject areas, including agriculture, economics, history, law, literature, psychology, and sociology. Includes titles from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.
Journals and magazines covering information science and technology, including bibliometrics, cataloging, information management, information retrieval, and more.
Journals and magazines covering law and legal topics, including criminal justice, ethics, federal law, international law, medical law, organized crime, and more. Also includes selected newswires.
Books and legal forms covering consumer-related legal issues, such as business law, financial planning, family law, property, real estate, and more. Includes state, multi-state, and federal legal forms.
Magazines, journals, and books covering all subject areas, focused on use by the general public. Includes biographies, speeches, and country fact sheets and reports.
Data and reports covering public and private U.S., Canadian, and international companies, including a residential database, company executive biographies, and industry information. Includes all information previously available in Hoover’s Online.
Data and reports covering USA and international companies, including business descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers/directors, long-term debt, and capital stock. Includes searching by company symbol, name, SIC, NAICS, and other criteria.
Middle school-level magazines and reference works covering history, current events, people, science, and sports. Also includes biographies, speeches, and country fact sheets and reports.
Stock investment data covering mutual funds, stocks, and funds, including financial data on NYSE, NASDAQ®, and ASE companies. Includes analyst reports, options data, charts, and industry data.
Data and reports covering companies, industries, the credit market, and long and short term prospects for equities, bonds, funds and industries. Includes The Outlook and S&P 500 Index, as well as screening reports and a chart builder.
Journals, newspapers, legal references, and business information covering current events, news, U.S. and international companies, federal and state cases, statutes, and more. Also includes television and radio broadcasts, newswires, and blogs.
Elementary school-level magazines, biographies, books covering a range of topics, including endangered species, famous musicians, space exploration, and more.
Journals and reports covering professional development and related issues specifically for educators, professional librarians, and education researchers.
Books, articles, and more covering psychiatry, psychotherapy, neuropsychiatry, and related areas. Includes the most current version of the DSM-5 in English and Spanish versions.
Newspapers and magazines covering business and related topics from the United States and Canada. Includes radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, and newswires.
Pamphlets, reports, reference works, and other publications in Spanish covering health and wellness, including aging, cancer, drugs, fitness, first aid, nutrition, and more.
Journals and magazines covering a range of scientific and technical subjects, including aeronautics, chemistry, biology, computer technology, geology, physics, and more.
Books covering a range of small engines, including chainsaws, mowers, generators, motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, trimmers, and more. Includes full collection of Clymer repair manuals.
Journals, reports, books, and magazines covering corporate social responsibility, environmental regulations, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable business practices, and more.
Journals and magazines covering assessment, best practices, continuing education, pedagogical research, curriculum development, instructional media, literacy standards, and more.
Journals and books covering notable individuals from history, such as actors, artists, educators, politicians, religious leaders, scientists, and writers.
Open access (OA) books from selected university presses and scholarly publishers covering a range of academic disciplines. Titles in this curated collection are DRM-free.
Classic books, journals, and author biographies covering a range of areas in literature and language. Includes literary criticism essays and plot summaries, synopses, and work overviews.
Resource for finding journals covering a range of areas in health and biomedicine, including medicine, nursing, healthcare systems, pre-clinical sciences, and more.
Journals covering race relations topics, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, community relations, cultural identity, and more.
Resource for information about both U.S. and international journals, newspapers, and other serial publications. Includes Internet addresses, contact information, and pricing structures.
Journals and magazines covering a range of vocational and technical research topics focused on use by high schools, community colleges, trade institutions, and the general public.