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Mechanical Engineering Resources: Open Educational Resources

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Brunel by the launching chains of the SS Great Eastern, by Robert Howlett, 1857
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Apr. 9, 1806 - Sep. 15, 1859). Pioneering British civil engineer and mechanical engineer. Brunel is famous as a prolific and innovative engineer. He worked with his father on the first tunnel under a navigable river—the Thames Tunnel—which is still in use today. He is also known for the first propeller-driven, ocean-going, iron ship—the SS Great Britain. When launched in 1843, it was the largest ship ever built.

OER: Mechanical Engineering Resources & Collections

Burt Rutan

Burt Rutan in 2004 Elbert Leander "Burt" Rutan (Jun. 17, 1943 - ). Retired American aerospace engineer and entrepreneur. Known for many projects, including the Voyager—the first plane to fly around the world without stopping or refueling. Rutan is also known for SpaceShipOne—the first privately built, flown and funded craft to reach space (Source for images:
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