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Medical Library: Courses/Units

Course/Unit Guides

The Medical Library guides below are intended to assist students in identifying relevant course materials and research resources for specific courses or units of study. Please do not hesitate to contact a library staff member with any questions you may have.

Phase 1- 1. FIT: Foundation, Integration, and Transformation

Phase 1 - 2. MTP: Musculoskeletal System, Touch, and Personhood

Phase 1 - 3. HDC: Host Defense and Communication

Phase 1 - 4. GNA: Gastrointestinal System, Nutrition, and Appetite

Phase 1 - 5. CRR: Circulation, Respiration, and Regulation

Phase 1 - 6. ERR: Endocrine System, Reproduction, and Respect

Phase 1 - 7. MBB: Mind, Brain, and Behavior

Phase 2 - Clinical Clerkship

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