Media equipment available at the Mabee Library (Main campus):
Media equipment available at the Music Department Listening Lab:
Kanopy Streaming Video Collection
Beginning January 2025, the Media Collection has started to build a small collection of films provided by Kanopy. Each year, a few films will be added to the collection.
Do not use streaming video platforms such as Netflix*, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, etc. with your personal account in class. This action is considered breaching the contract law and it is illegal.
*Note: Netflix currently allows one-time per semester screening of a selection of its original productions by faculty in a non-for-profit educational institution with a faculty/student personal account login in class. For more information and search for available films please click here.
Change the default "Current Channel" to "All Videos" to search all collections.
By default, new additions to this collection show up first.
Library catalog search (discovery) tool is called “NestSearch”. It searches all UIW libraries holdings with additional materials held by other libraries that subscribe to the discovery tool.
NestSearch box is at the center of the library’s home page. There are four tabs on top of the search box: Everything / Books + / Articles + / Databases & Journals. Click on Books + to search for media materials either physical items (DVD/CD) or streaming online in the UIW libraries. Search for your keywords. The next screen shows the results of your search.
At the left side of the screen, you see a column. On top of the column you see “Tweak My Results”. Click on “Video" or "Audio" under "Resource Type" (if it is not shown, click on "Show More" first. You will get a list of media materials we have in our library. Note that some of the results may be in electronic format (Streaming video) that you can watch online by clicking the "online access" link.
Note: At top of column, under "Availability", there is: “Available in the library” link. This shows only physical items (DVD/CD) and excludes the online streaming videos. Please note that if you click on this link, it gives you the list of what is currently available in the library. So if a CD or DVD is currently checked out by someone, it will not show up in this list.
Search by names: If you are searching by the name of a composer, director, performer, actor, etc., select “author/creator" in advanced search and type the last name in the search box first and then the first name. For searching short pieces of music or directors of short films, it is recommended that you use keyword search (Any Field) and type only the last name since on many items that contain several pieces by several creators, the whole name may not be mentioned and only the last names are included in items descriptions.
Search by title: If you are searching for a title, it is recommended that you enclose the title in quotation marks so the system does not pick up each word of your title from different places and shows you only the whole title wherever it appears. Be sure to search by keywords if you are searching for the title of a piece of music, a short film, etc. when the title of the piece is not the title of the whole item. For example, if you are searching for Schubert’s song: “Ave Maria”, do not search for it under title in advanced search since this is a short song and usually is recorded together with several other songs on a CD which its title maybe “Greatest songs by greatest composers.” If you search this song as a title, your search does not end in any results.
Browsing movies: If you want to browse library’s holdings of movies, click the "Advanced search" tab on the search box (NestSearch) at the center of library's main page. On the next page, change "Search Scope" to "Books & Moore". Change "Any Field" on the first search box to "Subject" and change "Contains" to "Is Exact". Type "Fiction films". Change "Resource Type" to "Video" and click on search. When the results page shows up, open the “Sort by” option on the right side of the page and select “Title”. You will receive a list of all movies in an A-Z order by title beginning with titles that start with numbers. In case you want to know if the library has foreign movies, you can limit your search by selecting different languages.