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Journal Evaluation: Metrics

Tools to evaluate and identify quality journals


Things to Consider:

  • Research assessment is still debated
  • Certain kinds of articles (example: review articles) tend to be cited more which will impact results
  • Self-citing will also impact results
  • Metrics aren't the same across disciplines - some disciplines have less emphasis on publishing in journals
  • Nontraditional impact is not really considered - book chapters, conferences, etc.
  • Editorial policies can impact results
  • Heavy emphasis on US journals
  • Quality is more than just number of citations

Journal Impact Factor

What is it?
A journal metric that measures the average of how many times articles from a journal were cited.

How is it calculated?
(Number of times articles published in a two year period were cited in indexed journals) divided by (Total number of "citable items" published during that same time period)


What is it?
A journal metric that measures the average of how many times articles from a journal were cited, but removes self-citations (times article cites another article from the same journal) and scales the score.

How is it calculated?
It is calculated by

More Metrics

Journal rankings can be very controversial and each resource has pros and cons to their use. Here are few more tools that might come in handy.


What is it?
A metric that attempts to measure the productivity and impact of an author.  Also called Hirsch index.

How is it calculated?
A list of publications by an author is created and sorted in descending order by number of times cited.  The h number is the number of publications that are cited more than or equal to that number.

This author would have an h factor of 2

Example of how to figure out the h score
Paper number Publication Title Time Cited
1 Example Paper 1 37
2 Example Paper 3 3
3 Example Paper 2 1



What is it?
A metric to score how much attention an item has received - could be from social media, news sources, etc.

How is it scored?
It is calculated based on the company.

Staff LADR