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Retired Air Force Dietitians Association Records: Series VI: Food

Retired Air Force Dieititians Association Records

Series VI: Food [Part I]


Series VI consists of 3.5 ft. of manuscript material divided into nine subseries that document food production, food service equipment, health and nutrition programs, photographs, slides, rations, and readiness operations. Most of the materials are Air Force food preparation manuals and recipe books from the 1960s-1980s.


BOX 4                    A la carte system

                                Medical a la carte cafeteria feeding and the automated medical food service inventory control and

                                       accounting system, 1982

                                Memoranda, 1974-1981

BOX 5                       The a la carte system, 1978

                               Food service and production

                                Cookbook manuals/recipes

                                      Assorted recipes, ca. 1969

                                      Assorted menus, 1991 and undated

                                      [The] Army cook [TM10-405], 1946

                                      Diet manual [AFM 160-8], 1979

                                      Ehrling Bergquist Strategic Hospital healthy heart cookbook for quantity cooking, ca. 1974

                                      Enhancing military diets: recipe development, undated

                                      Favorite recipes of the USAF Hospital Andrews

                                            Section I, February, 1964

                                            Section II, May, 1965

                                            Section III, February, 1966

                                            Section IV, March, 1966

                                            Section V, April, 1966

                                            Section VI, April, 1966

                                            Sections I-VI, 1964-1969

                                     Hospital diets [TM8-500]





                                     “Kitchen guide: healthy cuisine program for clubs & snack bars,” undated

                                     Therapeutic diet recipes [AFM 160-18], 1961

                                     United States Air Force worldwide menu [AFP 146-17], 1991

                                Food service equipment

                                      Articles, 1975-1976

                                      Equipment life expectancy, 1982-1986

                                      Field feeding

                                            Army medical field feeding operations [FM 8-505], 1989

                                            Combat field feeding system (CFFS) operations, 1986

BOX 6                                   “Field feeding: an overview,” undated

                                            Field hygiene and sanitation [AFM 161-10], 1970

                                            Military field type equipment, undated

                                            Mobile field kitchen trailer [MKT-75], undated

                                            Operator, organizational and direct support maintenance manual, including repair parts and

                                                  special tools lists […], 1969

                                            Sanitation and hygiene survey no. 57-35-9220-85, combat field feeding systems operational

                                                  test I, Ft. Hood, Texas, 1984

                                            Technical manual—operator, organizational and direct support maintenance manual

                                                   including repair parts and special tools list range outfit, field, gasoline model59, FSN

                                                   7360-082-2153 […], 1974

                                             Food automation computer system, 1970-1990

                                      Harvest Bare kitchen

                                            “Erection, operation, storage, inspection, and maintenance instructions—kitchen facility

                                                   bare base,” 1973

                                            “Field evaluations and definition of the proposed Air Force forward base food service

                                                   system—The new Harvest Eagle,” 1982

                                            “Retest of the bare base food service system,” 1977


                                            “Diet therapy specialist: food service equipment,” 1970

                                            “Engineering and design food service facilities,” 1959

                                            “Equipment planning guide,” 1978

                                            Food production, service, and subsistence management [TM 8-504], 1970 [2 copies]

                                            Food services (non-tactical) [TA 504], 1965

                                            Hospital food service administration [TM 8-503], 1970

                                            Meal, pre-cooked, frozen [MIL-M-16966C], 1964

                                            Meal surcharge and operating costs, 1995

                                            Medical food service for 500-bed increment, 1982

                                            “Operation and 1st echelon maintenance of food service equipment,” 1956

                                            Sanitary food service [AFM 146-7],1953

                                            “Selection and standardization of food service equipment,” 1969

                                            “USAF medical food service design,” ca. 1960s

                                      Space equipment, 1963-1989

                                      Table of allowances, 1965, 1987

Series VI: Food [Part II]

BOX 6                Health and nutrition

                                     ‘Air Force diet’ disclaimer, 1965-1970

                              Air Force fitness summit III, 1996

                              Articles, 1983-1996

                              Basic military training nutrition project, 1993-1999

                              Check It Out nutrition program

                                    Assorted materials, 1994-1995  

                                    Photographs, undated

                              Committee on Body Composition, Nutrition, and Health of Military Women, 1996-1999

                              Department of Defense Nutrition Council, 1983-1984

                              Dietary Therapy Working Group [Nutritional Medicine Service Working Group], 1992-1999

                              Dietitian pilot test at Super Clinics, 1995

BOX 7                     Hyperlipidemias protocol research and development, 1968-1993

                              Mirror Force

                                    Strategic plan, 1996

                                    Tactical plan, 1999

                              Nutrition outcomes measurement external review panel, 1996

                              Obesity, 1975-1980

                              Policy statements

                                    Aspartame, 1987

                                    Calcium fortified foods/Whey, 1987

                                    Dietary supplements and herbals, 1988-2000

                                    Dining facilities for vegetarians, 1975, 1990

                                    Folic acid supplements, 1997-1998

                                    Garrison/shipboard feeding, 1987-1990

                                    Liquid diets, 1987-1990

                                    Nutritional standards, 1971, 1999

                                    Pharmacological use [anorectic drugs], 1986-1987

                                    Sports nutritional products, 1986-1990


                                             Applied clinical nutrition [AFM 160-8], 1968

                                    Alcohol, caffeine, and other choices [MCP 160-22], 1981

                                    “A way of life,” 1965

                                    Calorie restricted diets for weight reduction [AFP 160-149], 1980

                                    Chapter 11: Nutritional medicine service [AFR 168-4], 1990

                                    Cholesterol and calorie restricted diets with modified fat for hyperlipidemias [AFPAM 44-134],

                                         1993 [2 copies]

                                    Clinical dietetics [AF instruction 44-135], 1994

                                    Clinical dietetics [AF manual 44-139], 1993

                                    Cooking for one [MCP 160-28], 1981

                                    Dietary information for the person with diabetes [AFP 166-23], 1993

                                    Dietary information for weight loss [AF pamphlet 44-132], 1994

                                    Diet ordering guide [AFPAM 44-124], 1993

                                    Diet therapy management [TM 8-502], 1970

                                    Fat restricted diet [AFP 166-41], 1986

                                    Good eating: a dieter’s guide [AFP 166-10], 1986

                                    Guide to good eating: a recommended daily pattern [MCP 160-11], 1981

                                    Health and job-specific body composition standards for the U.S. Air Force

                                             Volume 1, final report, 2000

                                             Workshop proceedings, 1999

                                    Health promotion program [AF instruction 40-101], 1998

                                    Lewin Group Inc. study

                                             “Application/request to American Medical Association for CPT codes for medical nutrition

                                                 therapy,” 1996

                                             “Building a case for covering medical nutrition therapy in DOD healthcare plans,” 1999

                                             “Covering medical nutrition therapy services under Tricare: benefit costs, cost avoidance

                                                 and savings: final report,” 1998

                                             Medical nutrition therapy selected references, 1994-1999

                                             “Nutrition services improve health and save money: evidence from Massachusetts,” 1993

                                             “Summary of medical nutrition therapy brief,” 1999

                                             “Synopsis of the Lewin report released on 15 November 1998, ‘The cost of covering medical

                                                 nutrition therapy services under Tricare: benefit costs, cost avoidance, and savings,’”


                                             “The clinical and cost-effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy: evidence and estimates o

                                                 potential Medicare savings from the use of selected nutrition interventions: report,”


                                             “The coalition for nutrition service in health care reform—position statement,” 1993

                                             “The cost of covering medical nutrition therapy under Medicare: 1998-2004: final report,”


                                             “The Lewin Group study—what does it tell us and why does it matter?,” Journal of the

                                                         American Dietetic Association, Vol. 99, No. 4, April, 1999

                                             “The missing element of Tricare…medical nutrition therapy fact sheet,”


Series VI: Food [Part III]

BOX 7                                    Maximizing nutrition in the later years [MCP 160-21], 1981

                                             Nutrition [TM 8-501], 1949

                                             Nutrition [TM 8-501], 1961

                                             Nutrition and the athlete [MCP 160-27], 1981

                                             Nutrition education [AF instruction 40-104], 1994

                                             Post gastrectomy diet [AFP 166-34], 1987

                                             Pre-natal calorie restricted diet [AFP 166-21], 1986

                                             Pre-natal nutrition [AFP 166-20], 1986

                                             “Review of military subsistence,” 1994

                                             “Stimulating nutritional awareness and action in military populations,” 1981

                                             “The sensible weight,” 1999

                                             U.S. dietary goals and a prudent diet for Americans [MCP 160-29], 1981

 BOX 21                            Videocassettes

                                             Nutrition support for combat casualty care: a multidisciplinary approach

                                                   Cassette #1

                                                         Nutrition support for patients during aeromedical evacuation, undated

                                                         Nutrition support, Echelon III, Operation Desert Storm, undated

                                                   Cassette #2, undated

                                                         Nutrition support, NATO Echelon IV, undated

                                                         Early enteral nutritional support of the multisystem trauma victim, undated

                                                   Cassette #3, undated

                                                         DEPMEDS and patient treatment protocols, undated

                                                         Panel discussion: Col. Ralph Wheeler, undated

 BOX 7                       Photographs

                                       Continuing medical readiness training (CMRT), 1987-1989

                                       Food service, 1962-ca. 1990s

                                       Holiday meals, 1961-1992

                                       Little Rissington, 1984-1986

                                       Red flag, 1989


                                       Basic daily food allowance (BDFA), 1985-1998

                                       B rations

                                             Nutritional and financial cost of B rations, 1983-1988

                                             Standard ‘B’ hospital ration for the Armed Forces

                                                   AFM146-9, 1968

BOX 8                                          AFM 146-4, 1971

                                                   AF 146-8, 1983

                                                   AFR 166-4, 1990

                                                   AFMAN 41-121, 1993

                                       Dental liquid ration, 1991

                                       Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MREs)

                                             Cookbooks/menus, 1988 and undated

                                             Fact sheets, 1986-1996

                                             Memoranda, 1985-1987

                                             Newspaper articles, 1998

                                             Nutritional value summaries, 1987-1999

                                       Medical T rations, 1987

                                       Operational rations

                                             Assorted, 1966-2001

                                             Summary of operational rations



                                                   1992 [NAM PAC 30-2]

                                                   ca. 1997 [NAM PAC 30-25 3rd edition]

                                                   ca. 2000 [NAM PAC 30-25 4th edition]

                                                   Undated [2 copies]


                                             “Feeding the military man,” 1969

                                             “Food ration and food service management Task 65-17 reconnaissance survey,” 1965

                                             14-day US Army reserve component and field training menu [SB 10-263], 1982

                                             “Nutritional challenges for field feeding in a desert environment: use of the UGR [unitized

                                                   group ration] and a supplemental carbohydrate beverage,” 1997

                                             Ration and meals [MCP 160-89], 1981

                                             “Review of military subsistence,” 1994

                                             “31-day field feeding menu and recapitulation of menu issues,” 1979

                                             Tray pack ration, 1990

Series VI: Food [Part IV]

 BOX 8               Readiness operations

                               Concept of operations, 1990-1999 and undated

                               Contingency hospitals, 1978-1999

                               Criteria for design and construction of Air Force medical facilities [AFP 88-500-1], 1962

                               “Deployable medical systems nutrition care bulk equipment sets combat zone hospitals,” 1985

                               Disaster casualty control plan [AFR 160-25], 1986

                               “Disaster feeding,” 1968

                               Food service feeding in a nuclear, biological, or chemical environment, 1980

                               “Food service support for USAF deployable medical systems,” 1983

                               Just Cause [Panama], 1998

                               Medical readiness symposium update, undated

                               Medical service planning: medical readiness [AFM 160-37], undated

                               “Planning criteria for medical facilities,” 1963

 BOX 9                     Prime readiness in base services (RIBS) program

                                     “Field hygiene and sanitation—student handout,” 1978

                                     “Heater, immersion, liquid fuel fired—student handout,” undated

                                     “Housekeeping and non-housekeeping quarters [140-3],” undated

                                     “HQ AFESC,” undated

                                     “Mobile field kitchen Model MKT-75—student handout,” undated

                                     “Range outfit, field gasoline, Model M59,” undated

                                     “Tent, kitchen, flyproof,” undated

                               Reforger exercises at Nocton Hall, 1987

                               Specialist corps deployment readiness smart book, 2002

                               Strategic plans, 1989-1990

                               Team Spirit 89’ after action reports, 1989

                               Tri-service combat planning for nutritional care, 1985-1990

                               USNS Mercy mission, 1987

                               UTC for wartime facilities, 1988

                               War medical planning guides, 1991-1997

                               War skill competencies, 1998-1999

                               Work center description, 1988  

 BOX 17              Slides

                               Combat field feeding system, undated

                               Food service kitchens, ca. 1966-1987

                               Health promotion, 1989

                               Renal education, undated           

                               Readiness operations

                                     Assorted, undated

                                     Disaster talk, 1984

 BOX 9                            Functional area report 469th, 1997-1999

                                     Kessler Technical Training Center/Nocton Hall Medical Center, 1986

 BOX 17                          Little Rissington, 1983-1991

                                     Navy fleet hospital test, 1987

                                     Red flag—Andrews Air Force Base, ca. 1980s

                                     Safety and cleaning, 1967-1982

                                     Wounded eagle III, 1984

                                     Wounded eagle IV, 1985

                                     USAF Medical Center Travis facility, 1989

 BOX 18                          USNS Mercy mission, 1987

Staff LADR