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NURS 4445: Writing & Citing

Med Surg Nursing

Citation Generators & Bibliography Managers

Academic Integrity

Academic work is ​a shared enterprise that depends on a commitment to truthfulness.

UIW students are expected to abide by the standards of intellectual integrity that govern the broader academic community to which the University belongs. These standards include:

  • The origin of the ideas, data, and forms of expression that you employ in your own work
  • Giving due credit to the sources from which you have borrowed, and
  • Affording your reader a means of consulting those sources directly



RefWorks is a web-based bibliographic management tool that will help you…

  • Organize your citations for articles, books, and other material
  • Format bibliographies in styles including MLA, APA, and others
  • Share your collection with others
  • Access information from any Internet-connected computer

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined by the University of the Incarnate Word as the "appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit." 

If you have any questions about incorporating someone else's work into your paper, check the style manuals for guidelines or see your instructor.

Staff LADR