Before you can begin searching for information in a print or online resource, you need to identify keywords related to your topic. Key terminology can be easily be found by scanning:
If you are still struggling, then try these suggestions:
Developing Your Research Question
YOUR TOPIC: __________________________________
Once you have identified your topic, think about questions your research might help you answer. In other words, state your topic as a question. Remember, your question may change as you learn more about your topic. That’s OK!
Write what you THINK you know about your topic.
Develop 3-5 more questions about your topic.
Use the chart below to brainstorm keywords for your topic. Hint: use keywords from the description and questions above.
Topic |
Similar Words |
Broader Terms |
Narrower Terms |
Related Words |
Example |
Obesity |
Overweight, Fat, Overeater |
Bariatric |
Eating disorder |
Diabetes, Heart Disease, Weight Gain |
Fill-in your topic & keywords |
Note: The keywords you choose will become essential for searching catalogs, websites, and databases. Keywords can have a profound influence on the results of your research. Using the “right” word will speed up the research process while the “wrong” word can bring to it to a complete halt.
Having trouble thinking of a thesis or dissertation topic?
Before selecting a topic or starting your research, be sure you understand your assignment and its requirements. Discuss your topic and the following with your advisor: