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Political Science: Interlibrary Loan / TexShare Cards

This guide identifies resources useful for students taking political science classes.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan is a free service available to UIW students.  It is not same-day or next-day service - do plan ahead if you need articles or books (cannot be textbooks)
from other libraries. 


Sign up interlibrary loan using the same username and password used for Blackboard and MyWord.


See the Interlibrary Loan LibGuide for more information on this service.

TexShare Cards

Apply for a TexShare card at the library reference desk.  The card is free and is good for the duration of the semester.  A TexShare card allows you to check out materials
from other academic libraries. 
Keep in mind:  books borrowed with a TexShare card must be returned by the borrower.  The UIW library will not return these books for you.
Staff LADR