What does "deep fake" mean? Standard online dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and The Oxford English Dictionary have not defined this phenomenon yet. The online Free Dictionary has this definition:
"A fake video created using artificial intelligence methods ("deep learning"), typically with the goal of mimicking a person's attributes and/or mannerisms."
Retrieved 22 July 2019, https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/deep-fake
"Seeing Isn't Believing: The Fact Checker's Guide to Manipulated Video." (Washington Post, 25 June 2019)
Guynn, Jessica. "Fake Trump Video? How to Spot Deepfakes on Facebook and YouTube ahead of the Presidential Election." (USA Today, 8 Jan. 2020)
"When Seeing Is No Longer Believing: Inside the Pentagon's Race against Deepfake Videos." (CNN Business, 2019)
Google has added a fact check feature to some of its images:
Wen, Tiffanie. "The Hidden Signs That Can Reveal a Fake Photo." BBC Future, 9 June 2020.