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Open Data @ UIW: Home

UIW Open Data supports open access to unpublished research and/or data content created by UIW faculty with the intention of sharing that information with other scholars. UIW Open Data is also purposed to provide opportunities for faculty to self-archive.


Data Management Plans and Sharing

Open Access - Quick Definition

"Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles, combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access is the needed modern update for the communication of research that fully utilizes the Internet for what it was originally built to do—accelerate research."

- from SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)

Useful Links

As with all outside information you use, citations for statistics should lead your readers back to the table or data that you used.
Citing Data Guidelines:
Help with how to cite data - generally cite it like you would a research article.  Try to check with your instructor, the journal (author guidelines), other articles, or the original data source.
Citation Guides and Help:
Library guides on various citation styles and information about our writing centers.

Dataset Submission

UIW Dataset Metadata with Links to Content

Title:  Running Gait Education

  • Creator:  Dr. Reid Fisher
  • Contributors:   K Kasper MD CAQSM, S Trigg MD CAQSM, K Davila MS, CSCS, GT Mette BS, CSCS, K Greenwell, L Danley MS, ATC, CSCS, A Salazar BS, ATC, M Cockerell MS, ATC.
  • Description/Summary:  Candidates for entry to the US Air Force currently working through Basic Military Training were provided education and guidance on running form.  The delays in training and separation rates from musculoskeletal injury were recorded and compared.  This data set shows the analysis of the aggregated data through Chi-squared.

  • File Format: Excel 
  • Rights:  None – Released by 59th MDW Public Affairs
  • Language:  English
  • Keywords:   musculoskeletal injury, running gait
  • Methodology: Prospective quasi-experimental program evaluation
  • Viewing Instructions:  
  • Related Content:  article link when published


Citing Datasets

A data citation should include, at the very least, the following elements:

  • Author(s): the creator(s) of the dataset, in priority order. May be an institution or person(s).
    • The creator should include a "nameIdentifier," such as an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID
  • Publication/Release date: Whichever is the later of: the date the dataset was made available, the date all quality assurance procedures were completed, and the date the embargo period (if applicable) expired.
  • Title: the formal title of the data set
  • Version: the precise version of the data used. 
  • Publisher/Archive/Distributor: the organization distributing or hosting the data, ideally over the long term
  • Identifier: a unique string that identifies the resource; should be a persistent scheme such as a DOI (10.1234/8675309)
  • Access Date: because data can be dynamic and changeable in ways that are not always reflected in release dates and versions, it is important to indicate when on-line data were accessed.

Here is an example:
“Tenopir C, Allard S, Douglass K, Aydinoglu AU, Wu L, Read E, Manoff M, Frame M (2011) Data from: Data sharing by scientists: practices and perceptions. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.6t94p. Accessed 18 April 2013."

from the article: “Tenopir C, Allard S, Douglass K, Aydinoglu AU, Wu L, Read E, Manoff M, Frame M (2011) Data sharing by scientists: practices and perceptions. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21101. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021101

If you need to use a specific citation style (e.g. APA, Chicago, etc.), enter your DOI (e.g. '10.1234/1234567') at this site to format the citation for your dataset.

The general format for citing data using the APA 7th ed. (p. 339) is provided below.

Author, A. A. (Date). Title of data set (Version number - if it exists) [Description of form]. Publisher Name. https://xxxxx

The form descriptions are flexible, but the most common is:  [Data set]

Exclude the publisher name if it is the same as the author.

"Include a retrieval date only if the data set is designed to change over time" (p. 337): Retrieved Month, day, year, from https://xxxxx

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