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Music Therapy: Home

Resources in Music Therapy

NestSearch (online catalog)

Music Therapy Resources Online

Certification for Music Therapists

Resources for careers in Music Therapy

Orchestrating change (streaming video)

Media equipment available at the Mabee Library (main campus) and the Music Department Listening Lab

Media equipment available at the Mabee Library (Main campus):

  • 13 computers at the library's computer lab (Cardinal's Nest) have DVD/CD players.
  • The library has 4 external DVD/CD drives for check out.
  • The library has 2 DVD/Blu-Ray/CD multi region/format players for check out.
  • The library has several headphones for check out.

Media equipment available at the Music Department  Listening Lab:

  • Three listening stations with CD / LP (Vinyl) record / Audio Cassette players.
  • The Music Department Listening Lab is open 10-15 hours a week. The hours of operation is posted on the lab for each semester.

Discipline Librarian

Profile Photo
Farhad Moshiri
Library-Room 205
Media Collection, Music Collection, Copyright. Library liaison to Music Department.

Other Music Therapy Resources at UIW Libraries

For music therapy books, CDs, DVDs, and streaming videos please search UIW libraries online catalog (NestSearch). Use "Books +" and search for "Music Therapy" (be sure to use quotation marks. You can also use the "advanced search option and select subject in search field. Type Music therapy (no quotations needed) and search. On the left column in results page, you can limit your search to physical materials (in library) or online resources. You can also limit your search to books, audio, and video recordings.

Other databases

Finding articles about Music Therapy

To find journal articles about music therapy go to UIW libraries main page. The default search option in NestSearch box at the middle of the page is "Everything". Type "Music Therapy" (be sure to use quotation marks) and click on "Go". On the next page (results), you will see many limiting options on the left column such as language, date, etc. Select "Peer-reviewd journals". You can use other keywords in addition to "Music Therapy" in your initial search. Note that if you use too many keywords, the results would be more limited. Use truncation symbol * (asterisk) when you want to use keywords that appear in several forms to get more results. For example, if you want to find articles about music therapy in relation to children, your search would be: "Music Therapy" and child*. This means that the system will find articles about music therapy and "Child", "Children", "Childhood", etc.

Another option for searching is the "Advanced Search" option. In the first search box select "Subject": Music therapy (no quotations needed) or leave it to its default: "Any field" (quotations needed). In the second box you can type other keywords (for example: child*) and search (you can add more search boxes if needed). Be sure to leave the default "And" between the search boxes to get the articles that include all your keywords.

You can also select "Articles" under "Resource Type" in Advanced Search option. Be careful not to select "Electronic Journals" or "Print Journals" since these are the titles of the journals not articles.

You can also limit the search further by selecting "English" as the language. Another limiting option is by date. Note that most academic  journals have an "embargo" period for the full text to be accessible (usually one to two years). This means you will hardly find full-text articles published in the current year or the previous year.

In case the article you are looking for is published recently and your search does not shows it or shows only an abstract or citation without the full-text, you can use UIW libraries Inter-Library Loan (ILL) option. On UIW libraries main page go to "Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)" and fill out the request form. The library will attempt to get the article from another library and  puts the article in PDF format in your ILL account so you can download or print it out.

Music Therapy Journals

Music Databases

Staff LADR