All books with call numbers starting with "ML" are on library's first floor (Main Campus - Mabee Library)
All the years of American popular music -- ML3561.P6 E95 1977
American music: from Storyville to Woodstock. -- ML3561.J3 N35 1972
American popular music : from minstrelsy to MP3 -- ML3477 .S73 2007
American popular music : new approaches to the twentieth century -- ML3477 .A42 2001
American roots music -- ML3551 .A54 2001
A century of pop -- ML3470 .G74 1998
Classic American popular song : the second half-century, 1950-2000 -- ML3477 .J46 2006
Cultural codes : makings of a Black music philosophy : an interpretive history from spirituals to hip hop -- ML3479 .B364 2010
Easy to remember : the great American songwriters and their songs -- ML3477 .Z57 2001
Genre in popular music -- ML3477 .H65 2007
The Latin beat : the rhythms and roots of Latin music from bossa nova to salsa and beyond -- ML3475 .M67 2003
Listening to classic American popular songs -- ML3477 .F672 2001
Making popular music : musicians, creativity and institutions -- ML3470 .T69 2000
The Mexican American orquesta : music, culture, and the dialectic of conflict -- ML3481 .P44 1999
Music, space and place : popular music and cultural identity -- ML3470 .M896 2004
Notable moments of women in music -- ML82 .W37 2008
Performance and popular music : history, place and time -- ML3470 .P45 2006
Performing rites: On the value of popular music -- ML 3795.F738 1996
Popular-music culture in America -- ML3477 .D67 1992
Race music : black cultures from bebop to hip-hop -- ML3556 .R32 2003
The Routledge history of social protest in popular music -- ML3918.P67 R68 2013
Sound tracks : popular music, identity, and place -- ML3918.P67 C66 2003
Sounding out pop : analytical essays in popular music -- ML3470 .S635 2010
Taking popular music seriously : selected essays -- ML3470 .F7465 2007
The triumph of the soul : cultural and psychological aspects of African American music -- ML3556 .T75 2001
What the music said : Black popular music and Black public culture -- ML3479 .N43 1999