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POLS 2325 - Metroka - Spring 2024: Home


Welcome to your Course Assignment Guide for POLS 2325 class (Social Science Research Methods).

I have worked with your instructor in developing this guide to best help you with your research assignment.

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Midterm Annotated Bibliography -> Literature Review

Locate and "unpack" four peer-reviewed journal articles. (Five for final paper)

Step 1 – Annotated Bibliography. For each article, you must identify:

(1) the broader theories about the social and political world the authors are engaged with,

(2) how the authors build upon these existing theories with their own research question,

(3) the concepts (variables) the authors are interested in examining,

(4) how the authors measure these variables,

(5) the hypotheses the authors will assess (an “x – y” statement),

(6) the data the authors collect to test their hypotheses, and

(7) the authors’ findings (what do they conclude based on their analyses).

Once you have recorded this information for each source, you should rewrite it in paragraph form (basically an “annotated bibliography”).



Staff LADR