How to locate the articles below.
Bearup, L. S. (2016). Reintegration as an emerging vision of justice for victims of human trafficking. International Migration, 54(4), 164-176. doi:10.1111/imig.12248
Bravo, K. E. (2015). Interrogating the state's role in human trafficking. Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, 25(1), 9-31. doi:10.18060/7909.0002
Cary, M., Oram, S., Howard, L. M., Trevillion, K., & Byford, S. (2016). Human trafficking and severe mental illness: An economic analysis of survivors' use of psychiatric services. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 1-8. doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1541-0
Dando, C. J., Walsh, D., & Brierley, R. (2016). Perceptions of psychological coercion and human trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to know the unknown. Plos One, 11(5), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153263
Ezell, L. (2016). Human trafficking in multinational supply chains: A corporate director's fiduciary duty to monitor and eliminate human trafficking violations. Vanderbilt Law Review, 69(2), 499-544.
Franco, M. (2015). Human sex trafficking: An international problem with an international solution requiring national implementation. Florida Journal of International Law, 27(3), 421-439.
Hall, A. (2014). The uniform act on prevention of and remedies for human trafficking. Arizona Law Review, 56(3), 853-896.
Hemmings, S., Jakobowitz, S., Abas, M., Bick, D., Howard, L. M., Stanley, N., . . . Oram, S. (2016). Responding to the health needs of survivors of human trafficking: A systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1538-8
Honeyman, K. L., Stukas, A. A., & Marques, M. D. (2016). Human trafficking: Factors that influence willingness to combat the issue. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46(9), 529-543. doi:10.1111/jasp.12381
International efforts by police leadership to combat human trafficking. (2016). FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 1-5.
Johnson, K. L. (2013). The new slave narrative: Advocacy and human rights in stories of contemporary slavery. Journal of Human Rights, 12(2), 242-258. doi:10.1080/14754835.2013.784664
Konov, J. (2016). Piercing the veil’s effect on corporate human rights violations & international corporate crime (human trafficking, slavery, etc). Scholedge International Journal of Multidisciplinary & Allied Studies, 3(5), 83-115. doi:10.19085/journal.sijmas030501
Mendel, J., & Sharapov, K. (2016). Human trafficking and online networks: Policy, analysis, and ignorance. Antipode, 48(3), 665-684. doi:10.1111/anti.12213
Munger, F. W. (2015). Trafficking in law: Cause lawyer, bureaucratic state and rights of human trafficking victims in Thailand. Asian Studies Review, 39(1), 69-87. doi:10.1080/10357823.2014.990355
O’Brien, E. (2016). Human trafficking heroes and villains. Social & Legal Studies, 25(2), 205-224. doi:10.1177/0964663915593410
Peters, A. (2016). Reconsidering federal and state obstacles to human trafficking victim status and entitlements. Utah Law Review, 2016(3), 535-574.
Rani, A., & Manglam, M. K. (2016). Depression, anxiety, stress and suicidal ideas in adolescent victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse in a sheltered home at Ranchi, India. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 7(7), 687-690.
Richmond, J. C. (2015). Human trafficking: Understanding the law and deconstructing myths. St.Louis University Law Journal, 60(1), 1-41.
Scarafia, R. M. (2014). Human trafficking: The need for stronger legislation in Louisiana to protect victims. Loyola Law Review, 60(3), 687-726.
Spierenburg, P. (2016). Punishment in paradise. race, slavery, human rights and a nineteenth-century Brazilian penal colony. British Journal of Criminology, 56(3), 624-626. doi:10.1093/bjc/azv130
Weitzer, R. (2015). Human trafficking and contemporary slavery. Annual Review of Sociology, 41(1), 223-242. doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-073014-112506
Yea, S. (2016). Everyday spaces of human trafficking: (in)visibility and agency among trafficked women in U.S. military-oriented clubs in South Korea. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(4), 957-973. doi:10.1080/24694452.2016.1157012
Yoo, E., & Boyle, E. H. (2015). National human trafficking initiatives: Dimensions of policy diffusion. Law & Social Inquiry, 40(3), 631-663. doi:10.1111/lsi.12115
Yoon, J. S. (2015). Human trafficking and labor migration: The dichotomous law and complex realities of Filipina entertainers in South Korea and suggestions for integrated and contextualized legal responses. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 48(3), 753-812.