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Scratch Programming Language: Getting Started

Let's Get Started!

Basic Steps for Starting Out  
The following steps cover the basics of selecting an object—called a sprite in Scratch—and adding code to direct its actions.
Step 1: Browse to the Scratch website  
Use your favorite web browser to visit
Step 2: Start Scratch!
In the top banner part of the page, find and select the Start Creating button to open the Scratch programming environment. Start Creating button
Screenshot of Scratch
Step 3: Begin With a Sprite and Some Blocks of Code
A sprite is a character or object. Any sprite or background you add will appear on the stage. Select the cat sprite, or—in the lower right—choose a different sprite by clicking the sprites icon and make sure you select it by clicking it. Sprites icon
Choose a block of code from the left and drag it into the center. This will apply it to the selected sprite. Not sure which code blocks to use? Try the first one: Move (10) steps. Now scroll down to the Events, to find When (green flag) clicked. Drag the block out and put it above the Move block. They should "click" together automatically.

You've just told Scratch what to do and when to do it! You've created a computer program!
Two code blocks: When (green flag) clicked + Move (10) steps
Step 4: Now Run It!
Put your program into action. In the top right, click the green flag to run your program. You'll see the action happen on the Stage. green flag

Create a Scratch Account

If you want to be able to save your projects, you have two choices:
  1. Download the Scratch software
  2. Create a Scratch account

To create a Scratch account:

  1. In the upper right, click Join Scratch.
  2. Type in a unique username, as well as a good password.
  3. Complete the process by answering a few questions.

Mitchel Resnick

Mitchel Resnick at LEGOLand Park
Mitchel Resnick (born June 12, 1956). American computer scientist and programmer. Dr. Resnick is the LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab. Along with Yasmin Kafai, Resnick led the effort to develop the Scratch programing environment. (Image source:
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