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EDUC 2305 - Fraga - Spring 2024: Find Books+


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You might find that another library in San Antonio has the item and go check it out there with a TexShare card. You can also order the item using InterLibrary Loan, though you don't have to specify a library in that case.

WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials online. It allows you to search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world.

Tweak Results

To find eBooks and streaming videos, use the limiters on the left. Books are considered scholarly sources, though they are not peer-reviewed. Ebooks and streaming videos must be cited and the APA citations can be located in the databases where they are found.

Find Books, eBooks, DVDs, and Streaming Videos

From the UIW Libraries' homepage, use the Books+ tab to search for a title, a subject, or an author.

Use the "Resource Type" filter on the left to find only eBooks or Streaming Videos, for example. You will need to use your usual UIW credentials to view these resources if you are off-campus.

Staff LADR