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Computer Source This link opens in a new window Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
Journals covering a range of subjects, including science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, music, psychology, philosophy, technology, and more. Also includes books, reports, and speeches.
Credo Reference This link opens in a new window Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window
Database Search Tips
- Library databases work with concepts, not questions.
- Your research question might be: How do video games influence behavior?
- There are two concepts to this question - video games and behavior
- Enter each concept in a separate search box
- Enclose a phrase in quotation marks - "video games"
- To search for all versions of a word, end a word with an asterisk (*)
- behavior*
- behavior, behaviors, behavioral, etc. will be retrieved
- Some words need to have the final letter removed
- Vote would be entered vot*
- vote, voted, votes, voting, voter, voters, etc. will be retrieved